Some bands don’t age well. Others simply don’t. Yet very few manage to not only survive but retain their original ferocity all the way. One of those rare cases are New Jersey thrashers BLOOD FEAST whose recently released fourth album Infinite Evolution is as manic sounding and earth shattering as their famed 1987 debut Kill For Pleasure.
But before BLOOD FEAST, there was BLOOD LUST. They sported more or less the same logo, attitude and line-up, minus guitar player Michael Badsen who joined in April 1986, a month or so before they decided to switch moniker. This first version lasted barely a year and left behind only one official release, the Suicidal Mission demo. But what a demo it was and DOOMENTIA is once again damn proud to resurrect it from the dead and give the treatment it deserves thirty-eight years later.
Make no mistakes: BLOODFEAST most lethal weapons were already firmly in place, even if those four tracks were recorded as a four-piece. The piercing riff, hysterical vocals – like Steve Souza from EXODUS on crack – by former frontman Gary Markovitch and neck-breaking speed… It’s all there, with a very mid-80s vibe yet of a level rarely if never heard from demo bands back then, despite the solid competition. Soon after Suicidal Mission was completed, they realized another band already bore the name BLOODLUST and was already signed to Metal Blade so they switch for the equally evocative BLOOD FEAST and the rest is history as they say… The fact that two (‘Menacing Thunder’ and ‘Suicidal Mission’) out of those four tracks made it to famous compilations like Speed Metal Hell Vol. III and Thrash Metal Attack speaks volume about their sheer brutality so here’s the chance to taste the glove, thanks to this one-sided (the program being repeated in both side) quality LP reissue by the one and only DOOMENTIA.
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